Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Barre, Vermont

We're just back from a few days in Central Vermont, visiting with an old high school friend.

There's a new small-dog park in Barre. Bobby and Eloise met a little poodle mix and had a wonderful time playing.

The next day, cream tea on the lawn at Perennial Pleasures in East Hardwick:

Miss Eloise got a new harness a few weeks ago. She can get out of this one, too.


  1. What is going on with the harnesses? Yikes!
    So many new doggie friends! So good for her!
    And the tea looks lovely!

  2. In both cases with harnesses, I had the dogs leashed to something while my attention was directed elsewhere--the first time, it was my rollator and the second time it was a table leg. She got herself wound around so she had little room to move and then solved that problem by slipping out of the harness. She seems to be able to get one leg out even though you don't see how, then she can wriggle the rest of the way out.

    Yes, this trip I have seen her play with other dogs for the first time.
