I have a very hard time grasping this. Many right-wing Christians, with their "family values," apparently don't care if somebody like Gingrich has a sleazy past. Now, if such a thing as a Pagan candidate were possible, one with Newt's past adventures would, I'd hazard a guess, be too sleazy even for most Witches and Pagans. Cheating on wife #1 with wife #2 while wife #1 was in the hospital dying of cancer. Cheating on wife #2 with wife #3 while pretending moral outrage with Clinton, whose only transgressions were a) accepting a blow job from someone who enthusiastically threw herself an his feet and b) agonizing too much when he had to explain it later. (He could have just said, "She threw herself at me, I didn't handle as well as I should have. Next question?" Or being a Christian, he too could have said "I sinned and Jesus forgives me.")Because, as it seems, if you are a Christian Jesus forgives you, then everything is OK and you can still be president. If you are a Pagan, the best you can do is be sorry, hope to do better in your next incarnation, and probably forget about running for president in this one in the unlikely event that it was ever an option to begin with.