Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Day 21: Cleveland, Ohio

Now on that last leg of the cross-country trip, when it takes so much longer than you think it should. My sister has flown to Baltimore to join another friend for further fun.

12 hours from South Bend to westerns Massachusetts. I decided to take three days and not two.

Day 20 in South Bend

Miss Eloise became quite the celeb during our five-night stay, known by name to most of the motel staff as she enjoyed daily meet and greet parades from the room to the lobby and out to the car. The catch, however, is that I had made this reservation without noticing that a) the motel allows one dog, not two, and b) I was paying for all all five nights in advance to get a special reduced rate.

Bobby, therefore, was lying low and quiet in his carrying bag while Eloise entertained the troops.

We got a way with it.