Monday, June 18, 2012

Song for the Winds

Fall wind sing 
Winter wind cry
Spring wind stirs the heart to fire
Summer wind brings the heart's desire.

North wind bound and 
East wind free,
South wind blows so soft and sweet,
West wind takes the soul to sea.

Grey wind heavy
Red wind bright
White wind raise the spirits higher
Black wind carry be through the night.

Night wind wild and
Dawn wind chill
Wind at mid-day brings no ill
With the setting sun, the winds are still.



 Image from

Midsummer marks the time when the air tide turns and begins to ebb. The air tide began to flow at Beltane. The season past has been one of change; things have been in transition, and there has been an element of chance in everything as some seedlings took root and others were stillborn.  With the turning of the air tide, the season of ripening begins.  Now we know which of the seeds of time have taken root and will grow.  It is a time for dedication, patience and awareness.  The work of the coming season will be watering and weeding, watching and protecting that which has taken root.

The turning of this tide is best observed in a circle of stones made in the old manner, out of doors, when the sun is high in the sky.

Take with you a stone to establish you’re altar, and a little water or oil to use for anointing.  Find a clear place in the sunlight.

Lay out a Circle by marking the four directions with stones around your central altar stone. As you do so, invite Spirits from the four directions to guard your Circle.

Welcome the God as King of high summer; as you invoke Him, feel the Sun enter you through the crown of your head, crowning the God within you.

Speak to the God who is both within you and in the sky above, voicing your intentions for the coming season.

Using the oil anoint both feet, saying, “Let my feet go in Your ways.”  
Anoint both hands saying, “Let my hands do Your work.”
Anoint your third eye, saying, “Let me see the way before me.”

Sit or kneel in silent meditation for awhile.

Give thanks to the God and the Guardians.

Open the Circle by walking widdershins (counter-clockwise), and kicking the stones outwards.