Wednesday, July 25, 2018

July 25: Mason, New Hampshire

My niece Em and I had lunch with old friends at Pickity Place:

I took a picture of my dessert before I ate it. Em officially welcomed me as an honorary millennial.

Doggies had to stay in our friends' kitchen. They were not pleased, but survived.

Now three days of organizing and packing to get ready for the six-day Westward Journey. Cousin Penny is coming along to visit our mutual relations in Seattle. This will be make everything a lot easier.

July 20-23: Nantucket

A weekend on Nantucket for a reunion of Peace Corps friends, after 45 years. (Doggies in South Hadley with my sister, whom they seem to consider an acceptable substitute for mom.)

Re-connecting after so many years, with so much water under the bridge is a complex and many-layered experience. Maybe material for a novel, if I had the time.