This, like the planting time from Eostara to Beltane, is a
period of intense hard work. It is a time when work comes to fruition, and the
rewards of past work can be reaped. There will, however, be a lot to do to
accomplish this, and it may feel as though the time is too short. It is a time
of intense activity, both work and play.
The Mother at this time is at the height of Her power, her
breasts flowing with milk at the very sound of a child's cry. Honor Her with
works of healing and compassion, and by with a portion of each thing you earn
or reap. The Mother of All Living tells us that she demands no sacrifice. She
tells us this because she needs make no such demand; a portion of every labor
and every love returns to Her by the law of Nature. When that return is brought
to Her consciously and with gratitude, she rewards Her children by opening to
them the storehouse of Her wisdom; the truth which lies there is our own,
which She has saved for us from our gifts of past seasons. Thus at this season
we eat new fruit and old meat, new achievements and old wisdom.
Love and labor are one in the Mother at this season. Seek to
perform all your work with love, and work to sustain your love for others.
Like the Planting Time this is a season which, in the
old days, required the give-and-take of community effort, as large teams
harvested one farm after another. Look carefully at the patterns of reciprocity
in your relationships with those love and care about, ask yourself whether they
are balanced and fair, and what you can do to improve their equilibrium.
Try to float to the surface of the Tide, to take a long and
broad view of things so as to maintain your perspective. Take time from your full
and busy days to study and contemplate the huge expanses of space and time--the
shape and time of the Universe, karma, your past lives.