Saturday, December 21, 2013

Does Magic Work?

It is an art, and not a precise science. As the old Indian in the movie said, “Sometimes the magic works and sometimes it doesn’t.”  

Magic doesn't always work because the spell you cast is just one of a huge and complex set of factors affecting the outcome of a situation. 

You can think of every moment in time as a starting point from which many possible rivers and streams of events diverge; some encounter less resistance and more likely to manifest than others; some outcomes may be almost certain and others almost impossible. When you cast a spell, you are working to alter  probabilities in the direction you desire.

It “works” more often than likely, and a Witch’s results improve with practice.

As the Earth Tide ebbs after the Solstice, the world softens and the Witch's powers of influence increase.

The time is auspicious for spells of prosperity, and for manifesting anything on the material plane. The most effective spells worked at this time will have some material basis--a talisman, a poppet, a charged stone.

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