When my brother comes to play, here’s what we do.
Make Mrs. D. throw the ball and see who can catch it first.
The dog who catches it brings it back and gets kibble.
While he’s busy eating, the other dog grabs the ball and makes her throw it.
Repeat steps 1-3.
Sometimes we hide the ball and bark so she has to come get it. Here are some good places:
a) In the magazine rack
b) In one of her shoes
c) In the kitchen wastebasket
d) Get into the bag of recycling and find a good box, so you can hide the ball in that. Spread all the other paper and cardboard across the kitchen floor.
Find another ball and get two games going at once.
Settle down and chew on the balls for while.
When that gets boring, start all over again.
If skateboarders go by outside, stop everything, jump up the sofa where you can see them, and see which one of you can go more completely berserk.
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