The Tide of the year influences
the kind of magic which will be most effective in dealing with a given problem,
and the magical purposes for which work is most effective.
Generally speaking, events in the flowing Tides are less
susceptible to active, instrumental magic than events in the ebb Tides. When a
Tide flows it carries events with it, and often the Witch’s best magical
approach is divination to discover how things are moving and how best to deal
with them. On the ebb Tide, events become more fluid and the Witch’s power to
mold them increases. Sorcery has its greatest power at full ebb Tide, just
before a new Tide flows.
The effect of any magical working will be colored by the
Tide in which it is performed; an initiation, for example, might open up powers
of divination or sorcery, of healing or of posessory trance, depending on the
Tide which governs it.
The ebbing Air Tide, from Midsummer to Lammas, is auspicious for spells of freeing, cutting and release.