The ebbing Fire Tide, from the Spring Equinox to Beltane, brings the Time of Planting.
It is a busy time, requiring community effort, planning, and hope.
The Lady at this season is the the mature Maiden, guiding the work of the hands and the laying of strategies and plans.
The Young God, still unmated and untamed, rules the Green Wood. His energy rushes through the homestead now and again, without warning, bringing both joyful laughter and lapses of judgement.
It is a powerful time for magic, ever more so as May Eve draws nearer. Work to awaken creative powers, and to lay the groundwork for life changes.
The time changed, spring ahead, which I always wish wouldn't happen. Fall back is fine. Just keep the clock going back, and back and back, and more sleep and more.
The night before the time change was a friend's 70th birthday--lots of people in their 60's, 70's and 80's doing covers of old Rolling Stones songs and dancing, to prove that we can still party. We still can, but it does wear you out now.
Nobody drinks much any more. In our age group, the heavy drinkers are all either dead or on the wagon. Two glasses of wine is the max. Anybody you see stumbling, it's not the liquor. It's because a trick knee gave out, or they didn't see the step down to the living room. We only take prescription drugs now, and just get high on the music.
It's hard to believe that we are as old as our parents were at our age. Maybe we aren't. Maybe if you just keep that music coming, you don't have to die.
The Moon is Full in Pisces, and we are in the season from Imbolc to Beltane when the Goddess shows her lovely Maiden face.
Now is a time for works of beauty, for new beginnings, and for seeking truth and honor in all endeavors.
It is the most auspicious time of all for an initiation.