Once the Maiden Goddess has appeared at Imbolc the Season of
Outward Growth begins. Both God and Goddess are on the land. Now
we have an active part to play in the world around us.
The Maiden brings forth Her waters, and dresses Herself with
green leaves and flowers. She will flaunt the potential wealth and
abundunce that She has to offer.
Soon the heat of the God will begin to make itself felt. He
instinctively reaches out to the land and warms the body of the
Maiden for the time to come. Like any boy past the cradle but not
yet full grown, He is headstrong and makes Himself more evident
each day.
Not sure what He is to be, He reaches outward, learning more
and more about Himself and what His Magic truly is.
On the mundane level the time has come for all of us to act.
If we were in an agricultural environment the fields would have to
be prepared for the planting.
In whatever environment we are, figuratively if not
literally, we must do our part without hesitation, so that when the
"planting" time comes the "seeds" will be sown in time to grow to
their fullest.
In the herds and flocks, New Life is born. Calves and lambs
are appearing and We must assist in the birthing so that the herds
can give us all that we will need.
It is up to you to see the application of this metaphor to
your own life and universe.
Now there is work to be done while the Goddess adorns Herself
with finery and the God grows and warms the Lady with His presence.
The climax of this is His puberty celebrated on The Day of the Wild
God, otherwise known as;
from Dyffd ap Tower