Friday, December 31, 2010

Not so happy New Year

Honey the lab went after my piece of kibble. Not like I wanted it at the moment, I'd just got done playing with it, but maybe I might want it later, and anyway it was mine. So I went after her, then everything went black and I was screaming and Mrs. D. was screaming, and we went to two vets and the second one said I was a very lucky little dog. Lucky means that I have to stay in my crate a lot and get medicine rammed down my throat, one kind that tastes of chicken, which is OK, and another kind that tastes of bubble gum, not so much. And my shoulder hurts, hurts, hurts. Mrs. D. asked what's the long-term prognosis and the second vet said usually pretty good, just keep him quiet. Like there's anything much I want to do right now. Mrs. D. seems to be happy about the whole thing for some reason. A couple of people have said maybe I will learn something from the experience, but I don't know what's to learn. It is still my kibble.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Winter Solstice

Greet the Light that is born in Darkness,
Greet the sun that is risen in the sky,
Greet the Lord returned to Earth,
Greet the king who is born to die.

Praise the living, praise the dead,
Praise the grain that makes our bread.

Hail the child newborn this morning,
Hail the turning of the Tide.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

School's Out Again, Time to Pay Attention to the News

The Dream Act-- talk about no-brainers.
750,000 young adults who are here, didn't choose to come here, most of whom aren't going anywhere, many of whom have nowhere else to go.
Now, which is the better plan?
a) Give them a choice between military service and college
b) Give them a choice between low-paid illegal employment (i.e. grunt work for cash under the table) or better-paid illegal employment selling crack.
However, this may be part of my weak grasp on economics. Perhaps Republican senators are profiting from plan b) in ways that I can't quite figure out.

Insights from the Community College Front

Every semester, I make it a rule to learn something myself.
Lessons from Fall 2010:
1) Although adding a website is great resource for a face-to-face class, online learning is not a viable alternative to classroom learning for any but the technically savvy and academically experienced student; in my classes, such students are about one out of twenty. At this point, I have tried as hard as I could for a year, done everything I can think of--I've taken courses in how to do it, I've spent hours with my "hybrid" class in a computer lab showing them how to do it, I have spent more hours setting up a website than I have ever devoted to course prep in my life, I have roamed Google and U-Tube, searching out ways to make the website entertaining, at least as far is is possible for a 60-something teacher to entertain a class of mostly 20-somethings. At the end of the day, most of the students are not entertained, don't do the work, are confused about what to do and don't send me emails to tell me they are confused. A third of them don't pass the course, a figure I have never confronted before. The powers that be who want us to do these hybrid courses are always pulling out studies that show students learn as well or better online. Well, the subjects of these studies either aren't the same students I'm teaching, or aren't learning the same kind of things my students need to learn. Or the teachers who are doing it know something I don't, which I really wish they could explain to me.
2) Another class, the one where I teach them how to write a college research paper, was very successful this semester, apparently as the result of a change in textbook from one I really liked to one that kind of bored me. Instead of exploring the American cultural landscape through luminous writing from the likes of Langston Hughes, Anzia Yezierska and Amy Tan, we plowed through pages on pages of textbook passages from various disciplines, interspersed with sample research papers. When they came to write their own final research papers, it turned out that the class had benefited a good deal from all this "scaffolding," to use a current education buzz word. I also found out that many of them are more interested in ecomomics than I am, and actually understand it rather better. Counter-intuitive moral: what bores the teacher can be right for the students.

It's been a long silence. After suggesting an intention to guide readers through the wheel of the year, Mrs. Drinkwalter then abandoned them in the Dark Time. The wheel of the year tends to do that, but next year she will try to provide more information.

Now the nights are long but full of expectation. The Tide of Earth that flowed at Samhain is reaching its deepest extent, frozen and hard. We wait for change.