The full moon that falls in Pisces, Maiden Moon, or the Chaste Moon, good for spells of cleansing and purification, and an auspicious time for initiations.
Also the name of an obscure verse play by William Butler Yeats, in which I acted when I was in college a long time ago and then wrote a paper about. I turned this paper in with only slight modifications for three different courses, something I ding my own students for now if I know they did it. I don't remember what the paper was about, and I don't think I ever really knew what the play was about, but I got an A all three times, and Mrs. Drinkwalter went to college in the days before grade inflation, mind you, when an A was up there in the narrow right end of a bell-curve.
Be that as it may, tonight's a good night for a cleansing bath in burdock--wrap bits of the root in muslin and make your bath into one big tea-bag. And if any unwanted entities or energies seem to be hanging around, clean house and leave onions and garlic about to discourage them.